Evolution of Spelling the Kornegay Surname

It is important to note that many, if not most early Colonists could neither read nor write. When communicating their names to court or other government officials, the recorders and transcribers penned names based upon how the name sounded. Given the phonetic makeup of the present day Kornegay name, it is no wonder that there were a multitude of spelling combinations throughout early North Carolina history.
The following is a listing of early spellings of the Kornegay surname from various Colonial records. These spellings, dates, and pertinent court or civil records associated with the spellings can be found in Jones, Jr. and Rohrbach. 2002.

1709- Genedig, Gnaedig, Gnӓge, Gnӓgi, Gritnig, Krenig, Knedig
1712- Kneegee
1714- Regene, Rigney
1718- Knogey
1729- Carnege
1730- Carnegy, Carnegys, Carrnegy, Carnege, Carnges, Carneyg, Carnege, Carneg, Carrnege, Corneg
1731- Carnegy, Carnege, Kernege
1733- Carnepy, Carnege
1734- Carrnegy
1736- Kernegie
1737- Kernegee, Carnegee
1738- Kernegee, Kernagee
1739- Kornegee, Kornegee, Kernegee
1740- Kernegee, Connegu
1741- Turnage, Turnedge
1742- Turnage, Hornedge
1743- Kernegee
1744- Kernegee
1745- Kernegee, Kornegee
1747- Kenege
1749- Kornegee, Kornugee, Kernegay
1751- Kornegee, Kornegee, Kernegee, Curnegee
1752- Kernegee
1754- Kennegy, Kernege, Kernegar
1755- Carnagee, Kernagey, Kernagy
1756- Corneggie, Harnage, Carnage, Kernegee
1757- Harnage, Kernegee
1758- Kernegee, Cornegy
1759- Kernegee
1760- Kernegee
1761- Cornegey, Carnage, Kernegee
1762- Kernegee, Kernege
1763- Kornagy, Kenegee, Cornegy
1764- Kernege, Kornegy, Cornigee, Kornegey
1765- Kernegee
1766- Kernegy
1767- Kernegy, Kornegy, Kornegey, Kerneegey, Kernigy, Kernigey
1768- Kornegy, Kernegy, Kornegee, Kernegee
1769- Kernegy
1773- Kornegay
1786- Kornegay